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7 Essential Facts About the Measles Outbreak

Jun 26, 2019
Vaccine For Measles — Memphis, TN — Vaccine Injury Lawyers
The United States is currently experiencing the worst measles outbreak in last 19 years. Whether you vaccinate your children, refuse to vaccinate, or follow a modified vaccination schedule, you may be wondering about this latest outbreak. Take a look at these essential facts.

1. The Measles Outbreak Affects Over 100 Countries

In 2018, over 100 countries around the world reported a significant increase in measles cases compared to previous years. When trying to understand the outbreak, you can't look just at the United States. You also have to take into account vaccination rates and legislation in other parts of the world.

2. Mandatory Vaccinations Aren't Linked to Higher Vaccination Rates

In response to the outbreak, several countries and a few states have made rules related to mandatory vaccinations. However, a study by the Action Plan on Science in Society Related Issues in Epidemics and Total Pandemics (ASSET) revealed that mandating vaccines does not have an effect on increasing vaccination rates.

In 2017, only 80% of the world was vaccinated against measles. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that figure should be 95%.

3. Some Measles Cases May Be Vaccine Reactions

Unfortunately, there is limited information on this fact related to the latest measles outbreak, but research from the 2015 Disneyland measles outbreak, suggests that approximately 38% of the cases showed a vaccine sequence. In other words, over two-thirds of reported cases were a vaccine reaction, rather than cases of wild measles.

4. Most Measles Cases Don't Require Hospitalization

Although the media, lawmakers, and many citizens are concerned about the risks of the measles outbreak, information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that only a small fraction of cases (one in four) are serious enough to warrant hospitalization. Beyond that, the last reported death from measles in the United States was in 2015.

5. The Measles Vaccine Is Not 100% Effective

Again, according to information from the CDC, measles vaccines are not 100% effective. A single dose of the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella. With a double dose, efficacy rates increase to 97% against measles and 88% against mumps.

6. Vaccinated Adults May Not Be Protected

The MMR vaccine has changed over the years. Prior to 1989, most children only received a single dose of the vaccine. As a result, if you were vaccinated before that year, you may not have full immunity against the measles viruses.

Additionally, healthcare providers only started giving out the MMR vaccine in 1971. During the 1960s, people often received a standalone measles vaccine, and before that decade, people got immunity to the disease by being exposed to other people who had measles.

If you aren't sure whether or not you have been vaccinated or have natural immunity through exposure, you may want to contact your doctor. They can check your system for antibodies that represent immunity. Then, based on your vaccination beliefs, you can decide if you want to get a new vaccination or a booster.

7. Parents Have Sued Over Mandatory Vaccination Rules

In New York City, the Department of Health made some rules in 2019 requiring people to get vaccinations. The city also tried to make rules banning unvaccinated people from some locations. In most cases, these rules only focused on children - the state doesn't have a way to include adults who aren't properly vaccinated (as explained above) in these bans and requirements.

In response, a group of parents have brought lawsuits against the city's department of health. At the time of writing, the lawsuit has not been resolved, but this scenario underscores how parents opposed to vaccines can use the legal system to their advantage.

If you are concerned about the measles outbreak, if you or your child has suffered from a vaccine related injury, or if you have other worries, you may want to contact a vaccination injury attorney. Black McLaren Jones Ryland & Griffee, P.C., may be able to help you.
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